Fritz March

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Fritz Marsch (born June 1, 1926 in Graz , † October 3, 2009 in Vienna ) was an Austrian politician ( SPÖ ). Marsch was a member of the Lower Austrian state parliament , member of the Federal Council , member of the National Council and SPÖ central secretary.


Fritz Marsch was the son of the same name Fritz Marsch (1894–1945), who was murdered on April 3, 1945 in what is now the Belgian barracks in Wetzelsdorf as a socialist resistance fighter. He attended elementary school in Rottenmann from 1932 to 1936 and then switched to the Graz Realgymnasium, which he graduated with the Matura in 1944 . During the Second World War he did a year of military service between 1944 and 1945 and from 1945 to 1946 he graduated from the state commercial academy in Graz, which he also graduated with. Marsch then studied at the University of World Trade in Vienna , where he passed the first state examination.

After Marsch had worked in his parents' company from 1945 to 1946, he worked as a foreign trade advisor at the Vienna Chamber of Labor from 1948 to 1950 in the economics department. He then worked from 1951 to 1953 as the Vienna State Youth Department and was then employed from 1953 to 1959 as a member of the Presidium and First Secretary of the Austrian Federal Youth Council . Marsch worked from 1960 to 1970 as the state party secretary of the SPÖ Lower Austria and then from 1970 to 1987 held the office of central secretary of the SPÖ. In 1993 he was given the professional title of Professor .


Marsch was already involved in politics during his student days and was chairman of the Association of Socialist Students from 1947 to 1949 . He represented the SPÖ from November 19, 1964 to November 5, 1970 in the Lower Austrian state parliament and was then a member of the Federal Council from November 19, 1970 to November 2, 1971. Marsch then represented the SPÖ between November 4, 1971 and February 13, 1987 in the National Council. During this time, Marsch was chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee from 1979 to 1987, and from 1982 to 1987 he was deputy chairman of the Club of Socialist Members of Parliament and Federal Councilors.

Marsch was a member of the ORF supervisory board from 1970 to 1974, from 1986 to 1990 honorary president of the "Austro-Hungarian Association" and from 1989 honorary president of the "Association for the History of the Labor Movement".

Fritz Marsch was buried in the Grinzinger Friedhof (group 1, row B, number 64) in Vienna.



  • Lower Austria Landtag Directorate (ed.): Biographical manual of the Lower Austrian Landtag and the Lower Austrian provincial government 1921–2000 (= Lower Austria publications. Volume 128). Lower Austria Landtag Directorate , St. Pölten 2000, ISBN 3-85006-127-2 .
  • Fritz Marsch , in: Internationales Biographisches Archiv 15/1985 of April 1, 1985, in the Munzinger Archive ( beginning of the article freely available)

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