Fritz Vorländer

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Fritz Karl Vorländer (born January 20, 1895 in Siegen , † 1956 ) was a German publisher .

Fritz Vorländer, the youngest of four children of newspaper publisher Wilhelm Georg Robert Vorländer and his wife Franziska geb. Schneider, was from 1923 to 1945 and from 1949 to 1956 together with his cousin Johannes Rothmaler the publishing director and publisher of the Siegener Zeitung . Among other things, he was also the managing director of KG Vorländer, a printing company.

Vorländer was a member of the Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten (1933-1934) and the Sturmabteilung (SA) (1934ff.). He was registered with the sub membership number 4121131 NSDAP (1937ff.) And Upper squad leader since 1938. He was also involved since 1934 in the Reich Chamber of Culture , Reichsschrifttumskammer and Reichspressekammer . At the end of May 1933, Fritz Vorländer, together with Johannes Rothmaler, was responsible for the Siegener Zeitung's public declaration that he was the “organ of the National Socialist German state and the people who awoke under Adolf Hitler's leadership”. After the end of the Second World Warhe was removed from the Siegener Zeitung company by the military government as part of the denazification as "Nazi-burdened" and banned from working until 1949; the Siegener Zeitung was banned until 1949, as it was also classified as "ns-polluted".

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Entry Fritz Vorländer , Regionales Personenlexikon, accessed on February 22, 2019