Fuchsia steyermarkii

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Fuchsia steyermarkii
Eurosiden II
Order : Myrtle-like (Myrtales)
Family : Evening primrose family (Onagraceae)
Subfamily : Onagroideae
Genre : Fuchsias ( Fuchsia )
Type : Fuchsia steyermarkii
Scientific name
Fuchsia steyermarkii

The Fuchsia steyermarkii is a species of the evening primrose family (Onagraceae).


Fuchsia steyermarkii grows as a multi-branch shrub and is densely hairy. It reaches heights of growth of about 2 meters. The copper-colored bark is striking . The constantly against arranged on the branches leaves have a length of between 2 and 7 centimeters and a width of 2 to 3 centimeters.

The calyx is narrow and funnel-shaped. It reaches a length between 33 and 37 millimeters and is scarlet in color. The sepals are 13 to 15 millimeters long and colored red.


The original range of the Fuchsia steyermarkii are the eastern slopes of the Andes in the south of Ecuador . It occurs there at altitudes between 1800 and 2000 meters.


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