Fujiwara no Michitsuna no Haha

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Fujiwara no Michitsuna no Haha in the collection of waka poems Ogura Hyakunin Isshu

Fujiwara no Michitsuna no Haha ( Japanese 藤原 道 綱 母 ; * 936 ?; † June 2, 995 ) is the emergency name of a Japanese poet and diary author.

She was the daughter of Fujiwara no Tomoyasu . In 954 she married Fujiwara no Kaneie and gave birth to his second son Fujiwara no Michitsune , after whom she was named ( haha  = mother). She slowly stepped back behind Kaney's first wife, Tokihime , who gave birth to the later regents Michitaka and Michinaga , as well as Senshi , who later became the wife of Emperor En'yū . Kaneie married other women, so in 971 she unhappily withdrew to a temple on Mount Nishiyama before she was forcibly brought back by her husband.

She wrote these experiences down in a diary called Kagerō Nikki ( 蜻蛉 日記 ). There are three books in total, which cover the period from 954 to 974. Only the last two books, each covering a period of three years, are written in the daily reporting typical of diaries. She was the first to turn her inner struggles and suffering as a woman into literature. In part, she is therefore also regarded as the founder of the Japanese genre of the first- person novel ( shishōsetsu ). A German translation by Satoshi Tsukakoshi appeared under the title Kagerô Nikki: Diary of a Japanese noblewoman around the year 980 by Niehans , 1955.

Fujiwara no Michitsuna no Haha is one of the thirty-six immortals of poetry of the Middle Ages and one of the thirty-six female immortals of poetry .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Edward G. Seidensticker: Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan . Ed .: Gen Isataka. 1st edition. tape 4 . Kodansha, Tokyo, pp. 104 .
  2. Ōba Minako : Special Address: Without Beginning, Without End . In: Paul Gordon Schalow, Janet A. Walker (Eds.): The Woman's Hand: Gender and Theory in Japanese Women's Writing . Stanford University Press, 1996, ISBN 0-8047-2722-8 , pp. 24–25 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  3. a b 山 本 登朗 : 藤原 道 綱 母 . In: 朝日 日本 歴 史 人物 事 典 at kotobank.jp. Asahi Shimbun Shuppan, accessed November 19, 2011 (Japanese).