Göttingen sermon meditations

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Göttingen sermon meditations

Area of ​​Expertise theology
language German
publishing company Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
First edition 1946
Frequency of publication quarterly
Sold edition 2200 + 4000 copies
( http://www.vr.de/_pdfs_media/zeitschriften_mediadaten/500010.pdf )
editor Alexander Deeg et al. Jan-Dirk Döhling
Web link www.vr.de/de/magazine-0-0/goettinger_predigtmeditationen-500010/
ZDB 3222-0

The Göttingen Sermon Meditations were created in 1946 from typed sermon aids that the East Prussian systematist Hans Joachim Iwand developed as an aid for pastors who had fled from East Prussia. The publisher Günther Ruprecht wanted to make this accessible to a wider audience and won the theologian Wolfgang Trillhaas as editor. Other co-founders were Joachim Jeremias and Gerhard von Rad . In 1948 Iwand became editor of the GPM himself. Later, Martin Fischer (1960–1970), Walther Fürst (1970–1983), Klaus-Peter Jörns (1983–1990), Friedemann Merkel (1990–1995) and Christian Möller (1996–2007) were editors.

Since 1949 the GPM appeared as a booklet within the monthly magazine for pastoral theology (today pastoral theology ).

Today the magazine is published quarterly by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht under the direction of Alexander Deeg and Jan-Dirk Döhling.


  • Birgit Weyel : Easter as the theme of the Göttingen sermon meditations. A homiletic analysis of text and reality in preaching work . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1999.