Günther Woermann

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Günther Woermann (born October 6, 1900 in Kyritz ; † February 1, 1967 in Castrop-Rauxel ) was a German engineer and manager in the mechanical engineering and shipbuilding industry.


Born as the son of a city school council, Günther Woermann graduated from the Dortmund municipal high school in 1918 . Then he was a war participant in the army until the end of the First World War . After an industrial internship from early to autumn 1919, he began studying mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Stuttgart in the winter semester of 1919/1920 , where he became a member of the Corps Stauffia in the summer semester of 1920 . In the winter semester of 1921/1922 he moved to the Technical University of Danzig , where on January 16, 1922 he was one of the reconstitution boys of the Corps Borussia Danzig. In November 1924 he completed his studies as a Dipl.-Ing. from.

From 1924 to 1928 he was a production engineer at Waggonfabrik Danzig AG. In autumn 1928 he switched to the Danzig tram as a chief engineer. In autumn 1937 he was appointed operations director and board member of Waggonfabrik Danzig AG. From autumn 1939 to the beginning of 1945 he was general director of Danziger Werft AG and, in this function, military economic leader and president of the Danzig Chamber of Commerce and the Gau Economic Chamber of Danzig-West Prussia .

After the Second World War he lived in Hamburg until the end of 1950 . At the beginning of 1951 he founded his own company in Castrop-Rauxel, the metal goods factory G. Woermann , which he ran until his death in 1967.



  • Hans Nehlep (Ed.): Album Academicum des Corps Baltica-Borussia Danzig 1860-1970. Berlin 1973.