CIS plc

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CIS plc

legal form PLC
founding 1900
resolution October 10, 2006
Seat London , UK
Branch retail trade

GUS plc was a retail company formerly listed on the London Stock Exchange on the FTSE 100 , based in the UK .

GUS plc was headquartered in London and in 2004 employed around 55,000 people. The company's company name is an abbreviation for Great Universal Stores (company until 2001).

Up to October 2006 the company had the following different divisions:

Company history

Universal Stores was founded in 1900 in Manchester , England by Abraham and George Rose. In 1930 the company changed its name to "The Great Universal Stores Limited". The following year the company went public on the London Stock Exchange .

In 2001 the name of the company changed to GUS plc. In 2004, GUS plc sold its catalog mail order to brothers David and Frederick Barclay , who brought it to their Littlewoods business.

On October 10, 2006, GUS was split into two different companies and HRG was split off.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. HomeRetailGroup: Demerger ( Memento from January 16, 2007 in the Internet Archive )