Gabriele Undine Meyer

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Gabriele Undine Meyer, Recall Katzenstein 2001, Kunsthalle Bielefeld.jpg

Gabriele Undine Meyer (born January 12, 1955 in Heilbronn ) is a German artist.

Her work lies in the art genres of installation, photography, video, text, multimedia and performance.

Life and education

Gabriele Undine Meyer grew up in Rheydt as the daughter of a chemist and a secretary . Since 1978 she has been involved in photography, painting and drawing, completed a pedagogical training course in Mönchengladbach-Rheydt and worked as an art and culture pedagogue until 2004 in the field of special education, youth cultural work and adult education. After meeting and working with the Colombian actress, director, and playwright Beatriz Camargo in 1986, Meyer turned to the fine arts as an autodidact. In the following years she also sought impulses, suggestions and training from artists such as Albrecht Klauer-Simonis , Christoph Riemer, Marie-Jo Lafontaine , Marina Abramoviç and Louise Bourgeois .

In 1988 she moved to Düsseldorf and in 1996 to Bielefeld, where she lived and worked at Artists Unlimited until 2007 . She worked as a curator at the Artists Unlimited Gallery. Important groups of works and exhibitions also fall during this period. In 2008 Meyer opened the GUM gallery (Gabriele Undine Meyer Gallery) for contemporary art on Siegfriedplatz in Bielefeld. The gallery not only shows works by regional artists, but also guests from abroad. The exhibitions are accompanied and supplemented by events, including crossovers to music, performance, and literature.


In her work, Gabriele Undine Meyer uses a wide variety of media to deal with traces of individual and collective memory, victims of displacement and violence and the interaction of global and local social processes.

“… Your installations are always both tactile and fragile compositions, that is, their surfaces offer signs of friction, injuries, and disturbances. They are almost perceptible, material-turned sensibility. But once you have opened up their sources, if you have asked them, they reveal a second, underlying surface of meaning because of their startlingly true artistic conception. And that is ultimately always the point, namely what is the quality relationship between the intention and the work carried out…. ” Gisela Burkamp , art historian, from the introduction to the exhibition I'm building a house on the Atlantic 2007 at the Oerlinghausen Art Association

“… In Gabriele Undine Meyer's art, bodies are absent, which is not surprising given such a highly metaphorical approach. Synekdoches are reserved and delicate, sometimes even appear a bit old-fashioned. They appeal to the listener's or viewer's imagination and demand mental agility. All characteristics that also apply to Meyer's fragile photographic images. Instead of a powerful song, it lets us hear a faint echo. Instead of sensual corporeality, we see empty chairs or an image of a photographed image… ”Angela Lampe, Center Pompidou , Paris, Visuelle Synekdochen. In: Gabriele Undine Meyer, Recall - work on the subject of memory. Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld 2002, ISBN 3-933040-97-3 .

Exhibitions (selection)

Solo exhibitions

  • 2019 Lost and Found, Museum Linen Factory , Bielefeld
  • 2012 Transit, Felix-Nussbaum-Haus , Osnabrück
  • 2009 Hazy Days, Artbreak Gallery, New York, USA
  • 2007 I'm building a house on the Atlantic, Kunstverein Oerlinghausen
  • 2006 Abbilder, Kunstverein Region Heinsberg
  • 2005 The Beatifics, MARTa-Kapelle, Herford
  • 2005 RECALL - work on the subject of memory, Kunstverein Paderborn
  • 2005 RECALL No. 2, Ryllega Gallery, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • 2002 RECALL - work on the subject of memory, Stadt Galerie Eichenmüllerhaus, Lemgo
  • 2001 RECALL KATZENSTEIN, multimedia installation, Kunsthalle Bielefeld

Group exhibitions


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Introduction to the exhibition