Gaius Calvisius Sabinus (Consul 39 BC)

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Gaius Calvisius Sabinus (* around 85 BC; † after 28 BC) was a Roman politician and military at the time of the outgoing republic .


Calvisius was a legate of Gaius Julius Caesar , who made him 48 BC. To Aetolia . 45 BC BC he administered Africa , and after being elected praetor the following year , the lot of the same province allegedly fell upon him again. Before he could go to North Africa again, he witnessed Caesar's murder on the Ides of March . After the Battle of Mutina , the Senate withdrew his province to give it to Quintus Cornificius .

The war against Sextus Pompey
  • senate
  • Octavian
  • Mark Antony
  • Lepidus
  • Sextus Pompey
  • In 39 BC Calvisius became consul , and the following year he commanded Octavian's fleet against Sextus Pompey . Together with the defector Menodorus he was defeated in 38 BC. In a battle near Cumae against Menekrates and Demochares , the admirals of Pompey. In the following battle off Rhegion he saved Octavian's Ionian fleet under Lucius Cornificius from total annihilation by his appearance .

    After in 37 BC BC Menodorus defected again to Sextus Pompeius, Calvisius was relieved of his command and replaced by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa . After his victory over Pompey, Octavian commissioned Calvisius to cleanse Italy of gangs of robbers. He also restored the Via Latina . He remained a friend of the later Augustus and celebrated 28 BC. A triumph for his achievements in Hispania .


    The consul of the same name of the year 4 BC Chr. Was probably his son. His son, in turn, was probably the consul of the same name in AD 26 , who was sued in 32 for violating the maiestas and served as a legate in Pannonia until AD 39 , before he committed suicide with his vicious wife Cornelia .
