Gaius Claudius Pulcher (Consul 92 BC)

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Gaius Claudius Pulcher was a late Republic Roman politician .

He was probably 105 BC. Chr. Bursar and probably the year after mint master ; possibly he held the two offices a few years earlier. 99 BC He became a curulic aedile and gave extremely splendid games, in which elephants appeared for the first time in animal baiting. The following year he headed the Murder Tribunal; as praetor 95 BC He presided over the court de repetundis . Before his consulate in 92 BC BC he was, probably in 93 BC. BC, as curator responsible for the paving of streets. After his consulate, he may have been proconsul of Cyrene .


  1. The inscription Inscriptiones Latinae selectae 45 apparently reproduces the cursus honorum in chronological order: [C (aius) Claudius Ap (pi) f (ilius) C (ai) n (epos) Pulcher] / q (uaestor) IIIvir a (ere ) a (rgento) a (uro) f (lando) f (eriundo) aed (ilis) cur (ulis) iudex q (uaestor) veneficis pr (aetor) / repetundis curator vis sternundis co (n) s (ul) . Michael Crawford : Roman republican coinage. Volume 1. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge et al. 1974, ISBN 0-521-07492-4 , p. 313, no. 300, dates Claudius' activity as Triumvir monetalis to 110 or 109 BC. Chr.