Germander summer root

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Germander summer root
Germander summer root (Orobanche teucrii)

Germander summer root ( Orobanche teucrii )

Euasterids I
Order : Mint family (Lamiales)
Family : Summer root family (Orobanchaceae)
Genre : Sommerwurzen ( Orobanche )
Type : Germander summer root
Scientific name
Orobanche teucrii

The germander summer root ( Orobanche teucrii ) belongs to the genus summer root within the family of summer root plants .


The germander summer root is a 10-40 cm high parasite with a slightly scaly stem.

The flowers are (18-) 20-27 (-30) mm long, light brown to purple and have spikes with few flowers. The undivided upper lip has light-colored stalk glands. The stamens are hairy at the base, glandular hairs at the tip, and they are surrounded by a bright, moon-shaped spot at the point of attachment (3-5 mm above the base). The scar is purple-brown. The calyx teeth are triangular.

The flowering period extends from June to July.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 38.


The germander summer arum is a parasite on noble germander ( Teucrium chamaedrys ) and mountain germander ( Teucrium montanum ).

General distribution

The main areas of distribution of the germander summer root are the central massif (France), the Alps, the French and Swiss Jura and the Swabian Alb. Outside of this closed area there are only a few, very scattered occurrences, which extend to the east as far as Romania and the Ukraine, to the north up to around 50 degrees of latitude. The northernmost occurrences in Germany are in the Eifel. Overall there are deposits in the countries Spain, Algeria, France, Italy, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Belarus, Ukraine.

Locations and Sociology

The germander summer root colonizes semi-dry grass and dry grass , less often light dry bushes, preferably on calcareous loam or loess soils. It is a character species of the Xerobromion association in Central Europe.


  • Otto Schmeil, Jost Fitschen (greeting), Siegmund Seybold: The flora of Germany and the neighboring countries . A book for identifying all wild and frequently cultivated vascular plants. 95th completely revised u. exp. Edition. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2011, ISBN 978-3-494-01498-2 .
  • Henning Haeupler , Thomas Muer: picture atlas of the fern and flowering plants of Germany (= the fern and flowering plants of Germany. Volume 2). 2nd, corrected and enlarged edition. Published by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-8001-4990-2 .
  • Oskar Sebald, Siegmund Seybold, Georg Philippi, Arno Wörz (eds.): The fern and flowering plants of Baden-Württemberg . Volume 5: Special part (Spermatophyta, subclass Asteridae): Buddlejaceae to Caprifoliaceae. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-8001-3342-3
  • Dietmar Aichele, Heinz-Werner Schwegler: The flowering plants of Central Europe , Franckh-Kosmos-Verlag, 2nd revised edition 1994, Volume 4, ISBN 3 440-08048-X

Individual evidence

  1. a b Erich Oberdorfer : Plant-sociological excursion flora for Germany and neighboring areas . With the collaboration of Angelika Schwabe and Theo Müller. 8th, heavily revised and expanded edition. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5 , pp.  865 .
  2. ^ Orobanche in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved January 28, 2018.

Web links

Commons : Germander summer root ( Orobanche teucrii )  - album with pictures, videos and audio files
