Game Park

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Game Park
legal form Private
founding 1996
resolution 2007
Reason for dissolution insolvency
Seat Korea SouthSouth Korea South Korea
Branch Information technology

Game Park was a company founded in South Korea in 1996 that specialized in the manufacture of portable video game systems. The only products are the GP32 , a handheld with an open integrated development environment, and the GP2X , the successor to the GP32. In 2005, a large number of employees split off and founded Gamepark Holdings . The reason for the split were discrepancies in the development of the GP32 successor. The company saw itself as a pioneer in the multimedia sector and relies on the open source philosophy. In 2007 the company went bankrupt.


Handheld console GP32

Game Park split into Game Park and Gamepark Holdings some time ago. Gamepark Holdings consists of a large part of the original team and launched the GP2X in November 2005 as the successor to the GP32.

Game Park was working on a GP32 successor called the XGP until bankruptcy.

Company history

  • 1996 - company foundation
  • 2000 - First participation in the trade fairs E3 ( Los Angeles , USA ) and TGS ( Tokyo , Japan )
  • 2001 - Participation in the ITU 2001 ( Hong Kong ) and KAMEX 2001 ( Seoul , South Korea ) trade fairs ; Release of the GP32
  • 2002 - Participation in the trade fairs E3 (Los Angeles, USA) and ECTS ( London , UK )
  • 2003 - Participation in the 3GSM trade fair ( Cannes , France )
  • 2004 - Participation in the Games Convention ( Leipzig , Germany )
  • 2004 - Gamepark Holdings founded, GP32 BLU released in Europe; Conclusion of a contract with Samsung for the implementation of the game Little Wizard on the GP32
  • 2005 - Division of the company into Game Park and Gamepark Holdings.
  • 2005 - Both companies announce a new handheld at GPH the GP2X , Gamepark the XGP
  • 2005 - Gamepark Holdings releases the GP2X in November
  • 2006 - Gamepark Holdings participates in the Games Convention ( Leipzig , Germany ).
  • 2007 - Game Park (not Gamepark Holdings) files for bankruptcy.

Web links