Gangra ri

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Gangra Ri - Chaukula
height 6489  m
location Ladakh ( India )
Mountains Ladakh chain
Dominance 37.02 km →  Kangju Kangri
Notch height 1476 m
Coordinates 33 ° 23 '51 "  N , 78 ° 26' 30"  E Coordinates: 33 ° 23 '51 "  N , 78 ° 26' 30"  E
Gangra Ri (Ladakh)
Gangra ri
First ascent August 13, 2001 by Chris Mothersdale and Trevor Willis
particularities highest mountain in the Ladakh chain

The Gangra Ri (also Chaukula ) is a mountain in the Indian Union Territory of Ladakh .

The Gangra Ri, located in the far east of the Ladakh chain , is the highest point in the mountain range at 6489  m (according to other sources 6529 m). The two Britons Chris Mothersdale and Trevor Willis succeeded on August 13, 2001, the first ascent over the south face.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alpine Club Library - Himalayan Index
  2. Asia, India, Ladakh, Pangong Range, Chaukula, First Ascent