Gaspar Calvo Moralejo

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Gaspar Calvo Moralejo OFM (born January 28, 1930 in Zamora , Spain , † January 25, 2016 in A Coruña ) is a Spanish religious.

Gaspar Calvo Moralejo joined the Congregation of the Franciscan and has held in Galicia, Madrid and Rome, and in the eighties in Pontevedra. He did his doctorate with a thesis on the Mariology of Iñigo de Mendoza , Melchor de Cetina and Juan de los Angeles and was involved, among other things, in the path of faith and the Marian spirituality of the priest.

Calvo Moralejo was President of the International Marian Pontifical Academy . He was vice-postulator of the beatification of María de Ágreda . He is Commander of the Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and was a member of the order's Consulta in 1998.


  • Poema de la Virgen Dormida. Presentacion MI Sr. D. Francisco Romero , Eco Franciscano 1956
  • Un Cordobes en Damasco. Biografía y escritos del Beato Nicolás María Alberca. , Madrid 1975
  • La esclavitud mariana y su origen concepcionista , Burgos 1976
  • Un ourensán en México: Beato Sebastián de Aparicio , Xunta de Galicia 1992

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