Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos

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Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos

Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos (born January 5, 1744 in Gijón , † November 27, 1811 in Puerto de Vega near Navia (Asturias) ) was a Spanish statesman , political writer and poet of the Spanish Enlightenment .


Don Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos (pron. Chhowelljanos), actually Jove-Llanos, was intended for the clergy, but entered the judicial service in 1767 and became a member of the Spanish Academy and of Charles III. appointed to the Council of State.

His opposition as an enlightener against the shortcomings of the legislation, police, etc. in his fatherland drew him into exile to Asturias in 1790 , where he worked tirelessly to raise the welfare of the country. In 1797 he was appointed Minister of Justice and Mercy by Manuel de Godoy ; Already in 1798 he withdrew to Gijón in order to escape the attempts at poisoning that resulted from him, was exiled to a Carthusian monastery in Mallorca in 1801 at Godoy's instigation and brought to the state prison at Bellver in 1802.

After he had regained his freedom when the French invaded Spain in 1808 , he retired to his hometown, rejected Joseph Bonaparte's offers, became an avid member of the central junta and worked tirelessly for the organization of the uprising of the Spanish people against foreign rule. Still, he only earned ingratitude and persecution.


His tragedy El Pelayo (1799) deals with the story of the Goth hero who asserted himself against the Moors. Ramón María Cañedo (Madrid 1830–32) and Cándido Nocedal (volumes 46 and 50 of the Biblioteca de autores españoles , Madrid 1858–59) acquired a collection of his works . His Oraciones y discursos appeared in a special edition (Madrid 1880).

Jovellano's tearful neoclassical prose drama El delincuente honrado (1774) already refers to Spanish Romanticism. He also wrote texts in the Asturian language , for which he - at that time in vain - tried to create a dictionary and a grammar.


  • Cean-Bermudez: Memorias para vida del Señor Don Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos (Madrid 1814).

Secondary literature

  • Kaufmann, Katrin: The economic and educational writings of Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos (1744 - 1811): a contribution to the renewal of Spain . Leipzig, Univ., Diss. A, 1989.
  • Vogt, Wolfgang: The "Diarios" by Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos: (1744 - 1811) . Bern: long; Frankfurt / M. : Lang, 1975 (Hispanic Studies; Vol. 2) Bonn, Univ., Philos. Fac., Diss. ISBN 3-261-00938-1 .

Web links

Commons : Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos  - Collection of images, videos and audio files