Gaspare Gorresio

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Gaspare Gorresio (born December 17, 1808 in Bagnasco , † March 20, 1891 in Turin ) was an Italian Sanskritist .

Gasparre Gorresio studied at the University of Turin , then devoted two more years to philological and philosophical studies in Germany and was employed as a professor at the military school in Turin in 1832, where he contributed numerous articles to the learned journal Il Subalpino .

Sent in 1838 by the Piedmontese government to Paris and London for Indian studies , after his return from 1852 he held the chair of Sanskrit in Turin for four years, the first to be founded in Italy.

His main task was to complete the edition and translation of the Ramayana epic, which had begun a decade earlier and which appeared in ten volumes Ramayana, poema indiano di Valmichi (1843–58).

In 1862 Gorresio took over the position of librarian at the National Library in Turin; he was also appointed permanent secretary of the Academy of Sciences in Turin and, in 1876, a foreign member of the Paris Academy of Inscriptions .

Works (selection)

  • Râmâyana . Indian Heritage Trust, Madras 1982 (reprinted from Paris 1843/67 edition)
  1. Adikandam .
  2. Ayodhyākāndam .
  3. Aranyakandam .
  4. Sundarakandam .
  5. Kishkindhyakandam .
  6. Yuddhakandam .
  7. Uttarakandam .