Gautier d'Arras

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Gautier d'Arras (* 1135 , † 1189 ) is an old French poet and contemporary Chrétien de Troyes . He lived between 1170 and 1185 at the court of Blois and left two novels, Eracle and Ille et Galreon , which he a. a. Theobald V. von Blois and Beatrix von Burgund , the second wife of Friedrich Barbarossa , dedicated.

The verse novel Eracle , published between 1176 and 1181 in 6593 eight-syllables rhyming in pairs , describes the story of the Byzantine ruler Herakleios and his adulterous wife. Similar to the historical personality, the hero of the novel becomes King of Constantinople , fights the King of the Persians and wins back the Holy Cross . In addition to the historical events, the novel contains a not insignificant amount of wonderful elements that are underlined by the oriental environment.

In his main work, Ille et Galeron , Gautier deals with the theme of the man standing between two women in 6592 eight-syllables rhyming in pairs. The Byzantine action pattern of the type love - separation - search - recovery is played through twice here.

The theme is very similar to that of the Lai d'Éliduc of Marie de France . In addition, in the novel Gautiers Ille is the son of a person named Éliduc . Therefore, several researchers believe that this directly from the Lai inspired the poet.


  • G. Raynaud De Lage (Ed.), Gautier d'Arras: Éracle. Paris 1976.
  • FAG Cowper (ed.): Ille et Galeron par Gautier d'Arras. Paris 1956.
  • Y. Lefèvre (ed.), Gautier d'Arras: Ille et Galeron. Paris 1988.
  • Karen Pratt (Ed.), Gautier d'Arras: Eracle. Londres, King's college 2007.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Winfried Engler : Lexicon of French Literature (= Kröner's pocket edition . Volume 388). 2nd, improved and enlarged edition. Kröner, Stuttgart 1984, ISBN 3-520-38802-2 , p. 424.
  2. a b c d Sabine Jätze and Peter Wunderli. In: Jürgen Grimm: French literary history . Verlag Metzler, 1994, p. 33
  3. a b French wiki article
  4. English and French wiki article