Yellow-footed weaver

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Yellow-footed weaver
Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Weaver birds (Ploceidae)
Subfamily : Ploceinae
Genre : Ploceus
Type : Yellow-footed weaver
Scientific name
Ploceus flavipes
( Chapin , 1916)

The yellow-footed weaver ( Ploceus flavipes , syn. Malimbus flavipes ) belongs within the family of weaver birds (Ploceidae) to the genus of the bunting weaver ( Ploceus ).

The Latin additional species comes from the Latin flavus 'yellow' and the Latin pes 'foot' .

The bird is endemic to the Democratic Republic of the Congo .

The range includes tropical or subtropical humid lowland forests and is limited to the Ituri rainforest in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


The species is 12 cm tall. So far only a few copies have been documented. The sexes do not differ. The species is completely black with the exception of the blackish-brown underside and the underside of the tail. At peak, neck and chest there is a greenish gloss, what kind of Mohr Weber (Ploceus nigerrimus) and sadness Weber (Ploceus albinucha) is different. The iris is whitish. The dull yellow legs are striking.

Some authors believe that they could be hybrids between, for example, a black weaver and a weeping weaver.

The species is monotypical .

Way of life

The diet consists mainly of insects . The birds are in the treetops.

The breeding season is not known.

Hazardous situation

The stock is considered to be endangered ( Vulnerable ).


  • JP Chapin: Malimbus flavipes . In: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History , Vol. 35, p. 27, 1916, [1]

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gelbfußweber in Avibase - The World Bird Database
  2. ^ JA Jobling: A Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. Oxford University Press. 1991. ISBN 0-19-854634-3 .
  3. a b c Handbook of the Birds of the World
  4. Old World sparrows, snowfinches, weavers
  5. Redlist