Yellow weevil

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Yellow weevil
Yellow weevil (Chlorophanus viridis)

Yellow weevil ( Chlorophanus viridis )

Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Weevil (Curculionidae)
Subfamily : Entiminae
Genre : Chlorophanus
Type : Yellow weevil
Scientific name
Chlorophanus viridis
Linnaeus , 1758

The yellow weevil ( Chlorophanus viridis ) is a weevil and one of three species in the genus Chlorophanus .


The yellow weevil has bright green (rarely also copper-red) scales on the top and reaches a size of 8 to 11 mm. The yellow margin that gives it its name is clearly set off. It is precisely because of this that it can be easily distinguished from other weevils. It can be distinguished from the other three native Chlorophanus species by the only briefly extended wing cover tips.


Chlorophanus viridis is widespread across Europe, but its frequency varies from region to region. From May to August it can be found in rather damp deciduous and mixed forests.

Way of life

The yellow weevil eats the leaves of deciduous trees (especially alder and willow ) and lives polyphagous on herbaceous plants (especially butterbur ). The eggs are laid about 1 mm in moist soil. The filing takes place at dusk. Two to three weeks later, the larvae , which live underground and feed on roots, hatch . For wintering, they create a cave in the ground 6 to 12 cm below the surface. Pupation takes place in the following spring and after three weeks the imago hatches , which takes about two to four days to dig through to the surface of the soil.


The species Chlorophanus viridis can be divided into two subspecies:

  • Chlorophanus viridis balcanicus
  • Chlorophanus viridis viridis

Web links

Commons : Yellow Weevil  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  • Jürgen Trautner, Katrin Geigenmüller, Ulrich Bense: Beetles . Neumann-Neudamm, Melsungen 1989, ISBN 3-7888-0529-3