Local council and mayoral elections in Tyrol 2016

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The municipal council and mayoral elections in Tyrol in 2016 (excluding Innsbruck) took place on February 28, 2016. There were runoff elections for the mayor's office in 23 municipalities on March 13, 2016.

Starting position

After the 2010 election , the ÖVP provided 236 mayors, 26 were provided by the SPÖ and one by the FPÖ . The remaining incumbents were independent politicians (413).

In 2016, 3,698 municipal councils were to be elected. That was 22 more than in the last election in 2010.


The municipal council elections in 2016 were carried out according to the “Law of July 7, 1994, which regulates the election of the organs of the municipality (Tyrolean municipal election regulations 1994 - TGWO 1994)”.

Ballot and deadlines

The election was announced on November 25, 2015 in the State Law Gazette . Immediately afterwards, the election was announced in the communities on the same day.


Of the 489,720 eligible voters, 349,772 cast their votes. This gives a percentage of 71.42%. 96.09% voted valid; 3.91% of the votes cast were considered invalid.

A total of six mayors were voted out in Thaur , Unterperfuss , Birgitz , Obernberg , Zirl and Längenfeld . After the election, Tyrol had 13 mayors; The state capital Innsbruck has had a mayor since 2012. So far there have only been eleven women. Of a total of 543 mayoral candidates in 2016, 46 were women.

ÖVP boss Günther Platter was delighted with the result: “The Tyrolean People's Party is and will remain the mayor and municipal council party of Tyrol. Although there were significantly more lists from the Greens and the FPÖ, the mayors and lists of the Tyrolean VP were able to keep their level of the last election clear. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Office of the Tyrolean Provincial Government: Municipal and Mayor elections 2016. Accessed on March 14, 2017 .
  2. a b c d Regional Media Austria: Results of the 2016 municipal council and mayoral elections in Tyrol . In: mein district.at . ( mein district.at [accessed on March 14, 2017]).
  3. First details on the municipal council elections - tirol.ORF.at. Retrieved March 14, 2017 .
  4. TGWO 1994, cf. http://www.ris.bka.gv.at/GeltendeFnahm.wxe?Abfrage=LrT&Gesetzesnummer=20000186 Retrieved on March 21, 2017.
  5. ^ DVT - Daten -verarbeitung-Tirol GmbH: Land Tirol - Elections. Retrieved March 14, 2017 .