Gennady Konoplev

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Genadij Konopliov (lit. Genadijus Konopliovas ; born May 5, 1945 in Voroschba , Sumy Oblast , † June 23, 1997 in Vilnius ) was a Russian-born politician in the Lithuanian SSR , bank manager.


In 1968 he graduated from the Kaunas Polytechnic Institute and in 1984 from the CPSU party college in Leningrad . From 1968 to 1979 he worked at the Alytus machine works . From 1979 to 1983 he was city secretary of the Lietuvos komunistų partija in Alytus, from 1983 to 1985 the first city secretary. From 1985 to 1989 he was deputy chairman of the Soviet-Lithuanian agroindustrial committee and minister of agriculture . From 1985 to 1990 he was a deputy in the Supreme Soviet of Lithuania. From 1991 to 1997 he was president of the bank "Tauro bankas". He shot himself in his own apartment.



  1. Anastazija Kuzmickaitė: Genadijus Konopliovas. In: Tarybų Lietuvos enciklopedija. Part 2: Grūdas-Marvelės. Vyriausioji enciklopedijų redakcija, Vilnius 1986, p. 367.
  2. “Sovietų raketinės bazės III: prisiminimus ir nerimą keliantis palikimas” “Gimtoji žemė”
  3. "Teismas nepanaikino arešto Konopliovų turtui", BNS, October 23, 2003.