Genre poissard

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The genre poissard (French for cheeky, rabble-rousing style ) is a modern style phenomenon opposite to préciosité , which appears in several genres between 1730 and 1780 , especially in parodies , vaudevilles , songs and one-act plays .

Characteristic for the style is the language of the lowest Parisian social class with typical morphological and phonetic deviations from the norm codified around 1740. In a peculiar mixture of realism and ridicule, crude expressions are taken from the street in the preferred argument scenes (poissard: originally a thief, then a seller in the Les Halles wholesale market ). A mixture of established genres (cf. the subtitle of Vadés La Pipe cassée : poème épitragipoissardihéroicomique ) emerged, which was still frowned upon at the time .

Jean-Joseph Vadé (1719–1757) is considered to be the creator of this style ; his comic opera Les Racoleurs (1756) was often imitated. Still Beaumarchais wrote a one-act play in the genre poissard: Les Députés de la Halle du Gros et-Caillou . Other representatives are Dancourt , Dufreny and especially Anne-Claude-Philippe, Comte de Caylus with his Histoire de Guillaume Cocher (1748). Her works not only delighted the common public, but also aristocratic women. The Théâtre des Variétés-Amusantes , which opened in 1778 at the St. Laurent fair and later continued on the Boulevard du Temple , was primarily dedicated to the genre poissard.

A parallel phenomenon in the 19th century is the adoption of the language of the Parisian lower class, in particular the attempt at a phonetic description of the sluggish tone of voice ( l'accent faubourien ), as in the naturalistic novel, in the poetry of Jean Richepin (1849–1926) or by Jehan -Rictus (1867-1933). This was also used in the boulevard theater , as a sign of authenticity, but also for comical purposes. The Napoleonic theater decree 1807 assigned the genre poissard to the Théâtre des Variétés . Even Jacques Offenbach's 1858 first performed operetta Mesdames de la Halle is poissard a reflex of the genre.


  • Alexander Parks Moore: The genre poissard and the French Stage in the eighteenth Century . Dissertation. Columbia University, New York 1935.
  • Pierre Larthomas: La comédie poissarde . In: Pierre Larthomas: Le Théâtre en France au XVIIIe siècle . Presses Univ. de France, Paris 1994, ISBN 2-13-042727-8 , pp. 67-68.