Genyomyrus donnyi

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Genyomyrus donnyi
Genyomyrus donnyi.jpg

Genyomyrus donnyi

Order : Bony tongues (Osteoglossiformes)
Subordination : Knifefish-like (Notopteroidei)
Family : Nilhechte (Mormyridae)
Subfamily : Mormyrinae
Genre : Genyomyrus
Type : Genyomyrus donnyi
Scientific name of the  genus
Boulenger , 1898
Scientific name of the  species
Genyomyrus donnyi
Boulenger, 1898

Genyomyrus donnyi is an African freshwater fish from the Nile pike family(Mormyridae) thatis widespreadin the Central African Congo Basin .


The fish species becomes a maximum of 45 cm long. It is relatively elongated and laterally flattened. The body is 3.5 to 4 times as long as it is high. The head takes up about a quarter of the total length. It is twice as long as it is high. The head profile can be slightly convex on the top of the head. The snout is tubular and elongated, the terminal mouth is small. At the tip of the lower jaw there is a forward-facing barb , which can be almost as long as the tubular snout. The dorsal and anal fin are located behind the center of the body and are symmetrically opposite each other, with the beginning of the dorsal fin above the second, third or fourth ray of the anal fin. The beginning of the anal fin lies in the middle between the attachment of the pelvic fins and the base of the caudal fin. The pectoral fins are 2/3 the length of the head. With their pointed end they extend beyond the bases of the small pelvic fins. The tail stalk is three times as long as it is high. The forked caudal fin is scaled, the ends of both lobes are rounded.

The species differs from all other Nilhechten, which have only one row of teeth each in the upper and lower jaw, through several rows of very small teeth in the upper and lower jaw. The teeth are conical and partly hidden in the mucous membranes.

  • Fin formula : dorsal 31–34, anal 36–38.
  • Scale formula : SL 79–82, 14–15 rows of scales between the lateral line and dorsal fin, 13–14 between the lateral line and anal fin and 12 around the caudal peduncle.


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