Georg Bautzmann

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Georg Bautzmann (born March 3, 1935 ) is a German officer, most recently a Brigadier General of the Army .


Bautzmann was trained in a tank reconnaissance battalion of the Bundeswehr. From 1966 to 1968 he completed the 9th general staff course (H) at the command academy of the Bundeswehr (FüAkBw) in Hamburg. In 1980 he was promoted to colonel and in 1984 to brigadier general . In 1984 he became head of department in the command staff of the armed forces (Fü S II 2) - Military Intelligence - in Bonn. From 1984 to 1988 he was sub-department head 33 in the Office for Military Studies (AMK) in Munich and from 1988 to 1992 department head in the command staff of the armed forces (Fü S II) in Bonn. In 1992 he retired.

From 1994 to 2001 he was head of the Bavarian regional district of the Clausewitz Society . In 1997 he was awarded the Golden Badge of Honor in recognition of his work. In 2001 he received the medal "For Services to the Clausewitz Society".



  • Dermot Bradley , Heinz-Peter Würzenthal, Hansgeorg Model : The Generals and Admirals of the Bundeswehr, 1955–1999. The military careers (= Germany's generals and admirals . Part 6b). Volume 1: Adam - Fuhr . Biblio-Verlag, Osnabrück 1998, ISBN 3-7648-2492-1 , p. 88.

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Individual evidence

  1. Viktor Toyka , Rüdiger Kracht: Clausewitz Society. Chronicle 1961–2011 . Published by the Clausewitz-Gesellschaft, Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-9810794-6-3 , p. 271.
  2. Viktor Toyka , Rüdiger Kracht: Clausewitz Society. Chronicle 1961–2011 . Published by the Clausewitz Society, Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-9810794-6-3 , p. 93.
  3. Viktor Toyka , Rüdiger Kracht: Clausewitz Society. Chronicle 1961–2011 . Edited by the Clausewitz Society, Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-9810794-6-3 , p. 111.