Georg Ebersbach

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Georg Ebersbach (born September 10, 1913 in Landeshut in Silesia ; † December 21, 1993 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German association functionary.


Georg Ebersbach was the son of the leather worker Paul Ebersbach. After completing his school career, he completed a degree in economics at the Universities of Breslau and Berlin. Since 1937 he was married to Ursula, nee Tunk. After completing his degree in economics in 1939, he was awarded a doctorate in 1942 at the University of Berlin. rer. pole. PhD . From 1935 he worked under Arthur Axmann at the Social Office of the Reich Youth Leadership . He also worked for the magazine Das Junge Deutschland .

After the Second World War , he initially worked as a refugee officer in the Bamberg diocese . He was a co-founder of the International Association for Social Work / Youth Social Work and was the executive chairman of this association from 1953 to 1978.
