Georg Ernst Adolph

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Georg Ernst Adolph (born October 11, 1843 in Nordstemmen , † July 15, 1922 in Elberfeld ) was a German zoologist ( entomologist ).

He was the son of a pastor and studied in Göttingen. In 1877 he passed the teaching examination in Münster and in 1878 he received his doctorate in zoology in Göttingen (About insect wings).

He was a teacher in Emden, 1869 to 1880 in Schwelm and then until 1912 senior teacher at the grammar school in Elberfeld.

In 1881 he became a member of the Leopoldina . He published in the Nova Acta Leopoldina.


  • About insect wings . In: Nova Acta of the Ksl. Leop.-Carol.-Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Volume XLI, Pars II, No. 3, Plates XXVII-XXXII, Halle 1879, pp. 213-291 Archives
  • About abnormal cell formations in some hymnopteran wings . In: Nova Acta of the Ksl. Leop.-Carol.-Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Volume XLI, Pars II, No. 4, Plate XXIII, Halle 1880, pp. 293–328 Archives

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References and comments

  1. Published in Nova Acta Leopoldina 1879, ( Archive )
  2. ^ List of members Leopoldina, Georg Ernst Adolph