Georg Lind (psychologist)

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Georg Lind (* 1947 in Gleisweiler ) is a German psychologist and adjunct professor at the University of Konstanz , where he last worked as an academic assistant. His contributions to moral development following Lawrence Kohlberg and the KMDD dilemma method ("Constance Method of Dilemma Discussion") are well known.


After graduating from high school in Weierhof in 1967, Lind studied psychology in Mannheim, Braunschweig and Heidelberg. The graduation as a psychologist passed in 1973, the doctorate in social sciences in 1984 in Konstanz took place after an activity in the special research area 23 " educational research ". He completed his habilitation at the Catholic University of Eichstätt in 1992. He began teaching in 1993 in Constance, where he was appointed adjunct professor in 1999. He has lectured at the Humboldt University in Berlin , at the University of Illinois in Chicago, USA, and at the University of Monterrey in Mexico. He is a reviewer for the Hans Böckler Foundation .

Dilemma method

With the Constance Dilemma Method , he followed the definition of moral judgment by Lawrence Kohlberg and developed a method to promote this ability by confronting dilemma situations , the Constance Method of Dilemma Discussion (KMDD). Their effect can be demonstrated with the Moral Judgment Test (MUT) developed by him . In it he follows suggestions from Jürgen Habermas , John Dewey and constructivism . Lind also strives to improve education for democracy by promoting moral discourse skills at school.

There are applications of the KMDD in schools, universities , in the penal system and in social work as well as in other countries such as Poland, Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Mexico. In 2007 the German Armed Forces commissioned him to train their instructors (officers, troop psychologists and military chaplains) to become KMDD teachers. However, this project was later canceled and remained unfinished. It also offers advanced training and certification as KMDD teacher for teachers, lecturers and professors in schools, universities, adult education and vocational training.


  • Content and structure of moral judgment: theoretical, methodological. u. empirical Studies on judgment and democracy skills among students. Constance 1984.
  • with Jürgen Raschert (Ed.): Moral judgment. An argument with Lawrence Kohlberg about morality, education and democracy. Beltz Verlag, Weinheim / Basel 1987
  • Is morality teachable. Logos, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-89722-255-8 .
  • The meaning and measurement of moral judgment competence revisited - A dual-aspect model. In: D. Fasko, W. Willis (Ed.): Contemporary Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives on Moral Development and Education. Hampton Press, Cresskill NJ 2008, pp. 185-220.
  • Constance method of the dilemma discussion as a methodical contribution to the education of values. In: Bavarian State Ministry for Education and Culture (Hrsg.): Values ​​make you strong. Practical manual for values ​​education. Brigg Verlag, Augsburg 2008, pp. 45–53.
  • Teaching students to speak up and to listen to others: Cultivating moral democratic competencies. In: DE Lund, PR Carr (Ed.): Doing democracy and social justice in education: Political literacy for all students. Peter Lang Publishing, New York 2008, pp. 319-335.
  • Morality is teachable. How to promote moral-democratic competence and thus reduce violence, fraud and power. 3rd, expanded and revised edition. Logos, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-8325-4123-1 .
  • with Ewa Nowak: Mis-educative martial law - The fate of free discourse and the moral judgment competence of Polish university students from 1977 to 1983. In: M. Zirk-Sadowski, B. Wojciechowski, M. Golecki (eds.): Between complexity and chaos. Adam Marszalek publisher, Toruń, Poland 2009, pp. 129–152.
  • with Kay Hemmerling and Matthias Scharlipp: The Constance method of dilemma discussion for educational work with risk groups. In: K. Mayer, H. Schildknecht (Hrsg.): Handbook Dissociality, Delinquency and Criminality — Basics and methods of professional work with people with deviant behavior. Schulthess Legal Media, Zurich 2009, ISBN 978-3-7255-5728-8 .
  • The promotion of moral-democratic competences with the Konstanz method of the dilemma discussion (KMDD). In: B. Latzko, T. Malti (Hrsg.): Moral development and education in childhood and adolescence. Juventa-Verlag, Munich 2010, pp. 285-302.
  • with Hans A. Hartmann and Roland Wakenhut (eds.): Moral judgment and social education. Transaction Publisher, Edison NJ 2010.

Works by other authors on Lind's two-aspect theory

  • K. Prehn, I. Wartenburger, K. Mériau, C. Scheibe, OR Goodenough, A. Villringer, E. van der Meer, HR Heekeren: Influence of individual differences in moral judgment competence on neural correlates of socio-normative judgments. In: Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 3 (1), 2008, pp. 33-46.
  • Marcia Schillinger: Learning environments and moral development: How university education fosters moral judgment competence in Brazil and two German-speaking countries. Shaker-Verlag, Aachen 2006.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Information from the Legal Department of the University of Konstanz from November 3, 2015
  2. Homepage AG Moral at the University of Konstanz