Georg Marion

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Georg Marion , actually Georg Meyer ( May 4, 1866 in Burglengenfeld - June 1, 1935 in Leipzig ) was a German opera singer ( tenor ), opera director and singing teacher .


Marion, the son of a brewery owner, was originally intended for the clergy, also attended the monastery seminar in the Benedictine monastery in Metten in Bavaria, then came to Regensburg, where he performed repeatedly as a cathedral singer, but after graduating from high school, moved to the university to study law.

His voice allowed him to join a concert tour that Renner's Madrigal Quartet undertook through the most important cities while still a student. He renounced any academic career and decided in 1879 at the suggestion of Baron von Perfalls, who had noticed the beautiful voice of the young man, to devote himself to the stage career.

He attended the Munich Conservatory, Karl Johann Brulliot and Adolf Schimon became his teachers, and on October 8, 1880 he made his debut as “Lyonel” in “Martha” at the Stadttheater in St. Gallen, whereupon he was engaged. After two years there, Marion made her debut as “David” in the “Meistersingers” at the Leipzig City Theater, in whose association he also joined on August 1, 1882.

There the artist, an excellent and indestructible playing tenor, always worked with the same freshness of tone and the same indefatigable zeal. There was general praise for his unusual acting skill, his confidence in handling the spoken tone and the persistence of his beautiful organ, which has a peculiar coloring. In every role he proved his characterization skills unequivocally. In addition to his "David", which he has sung with the same faithfulness since his first appearance, his main roles deserve special mention: "Mime" and the Lortzing games.

During his time in Leipzig, guest performances took him to the court operas of Dresden, Berlin and Vienna and to the opera house in Frankfurt am Main.

From 1902 he worked as a director at the Leipzig Opera House until 1921. He was made an honorary member there.


  • Ludwig Eisenberg : Large biographical lexicon of the German stage in the XIX. Century . Published by Paul List , Leipzig 1903, p. 642 f.

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