Georg Potempa

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Georg Potempa (* May 21, 1928 ; † June 7, 1998 in Oldenburg ), is the author of the currently authoritative bibliography on the work of Thomas Mann .


On October 29, 1993, the former department director of the Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg was the first to be awarded the Thomas Mann Medal of the German Thomas Mann Society in Lübeck for his life's work . Potempa determined his bibliographical information by autopsy of the originals or on the basis of reliable photocopies. In order to do justice to this workload, he took early retirement.

His extensive Thomas Mann collection became the property of the S. Fischer publishing house . The "Large Commented Frankfurt Edition" of Thomas Mann's works is based on their first prints.


  • Potempa, Georg: Thomas Mann Bibliography. The work. Collaboration with Gert Heine. Morsum / Sylt: Cicero Presse, 1992. ISBN 3-89120-007-2


  • Wimmer, Ruprecht : Laudatory speech given on the occasion of the award of the Thomas Mann Medal to Georg Potempa in Lübeck on October 29, 1993. In: Thomas Mann Yearbook 1994, pp. 199–203
  • Georg Potempa in memoriam / Contributions by Georg Potempa, Brigitte Nestler, Gregor Ackermann, Timm A. Zenner. Edited by Timm A. Zenner. - Morsum / Sylt: Cicero-Presse, 2000., ISBN 3-89120-018-8

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