Georg Silberschlag the Younger

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Georg Silberschlag, engraving by Petrus Isselburg , Cologne

Georg Silberschlag the Younger (born January 26, 1563 in Erfurt ; † December 24, 1635 there ) was a German Lutheran clergyman.

Georg Silberschlag was the second son of the Erfurt theologian Georg Silberschlag the Elder. Ä. (1535-1572). When the father died he was only nine years old. He studied in Jena from 1575 and received his master's degree in 1584. In 1586 he was tutor to the Dresden court preacher Martin Mirus . In 1590 he got a job as a teacher at the Preacher's School in Erfurt. In 1591 he was elected deacon and ten years later pastor at the Predigerkirche in Erfurt . In 1625 Silberschlag also became a senior in the Evangelical Ministry .


  • Hermann Weissenborn: Hierana I. II. Contributions to the history of the Erfurt scholarly school system . Erfurt 1862, p. 51

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