George Watterston

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George Watterston

George Watterston (born October 23, 1783 in New York City , † February 4, 1854 ) was from 1815 to 1829 the third director of the Library of Congress (library of the US Congress ).

Watterston was born to Scottish immigrants on a ship in New York Harbor . The Watterstons had lived in Washington since he was eight . He later worked as a lawyer in Hagerstown and Washington; at the same time he was active as a writer and published his first novella The Lawyer, or Man As He Ought Not to Be in 1808 . In 1813 he became editor of the Washington City Gazette .

After the War of 1812 , Watterston was named Librarian of Congress by President James Madison . He was the first to take on this role full-time. Under his leadership, the library was expanded primarily through the takeover of the collection of former President Thomas Jefferson .

After President Andrew Jackson's election victory , Watterston, who was politically active in the Whig Party , was replaced, but he resisted unsuccessfully. He became editor of the National Journal and published numerous books on a wide variety of subjects, including agriculture .