Georges Kleiber

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Georges Kleiber (* 1944 in Sélestat , Bas-Rhin department ) is a French linguist . He taught as a university professor for French linguistics and general linguistics at the Université de Strasbourg .

Teaching and Research

Kleiber researched mainly in the areas of lexical and pragmatic semantics . Until 2007 he was a member of the Lilpa (linguistique, langues, parole) research group at the Philosophical Faculty of the Université de Strasbourg. He has also worked for various French and international magazines and collaborated with universities around the world (including Porto, Tel Aviv, Bucharest, Brussels). He has published a total of 330 scientific articles and 11 books and has received various scientific awards, including the silver medal of the Center national de la recherche scientifique , the Ordre des Palmes Académiques and honorary doctorates from Uppsala University and Aarhus University .

Publications (selection)

  • You côté de la référence verbale. Les phrases habitual . Lang, Bern et al. 1987
  • L 'article LE générique. La généricité sur le mode massif . Droz, Genève / Paris 1990
  • Prototype semantics. An introduction . Narr, Tübingen 1993
  • Nominal. Essais de semantique référentielle . Colin, Paris 1994
  • with Günter Kochendörfer and Martin Riegel (eds.): Cognitive Linguistics and Neurosciences. Lectures at the EUCOR colloquium of the same name in autumn 1998 in Freiburg . Narr, Tübingen 1999
  • with Martin Riegel: Théories sémantiques, sens catégoriel et diachronie Données et arguments . In: F. Lebsanft, M.-D. Glessgen (Hrsg.): Historical semantics in the Romance languages . Niemeyer, Tübingen 2004, pp. 31–41.

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