Georges de Laire

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Georges de Laire (born October 26, 1836 in Ambierle , Loire department , † November 19, 1908 at Lanmary Castle, Dordogne department ) was a French chemist.

He studied in Paris at the École polytechnique and at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers .

From 1855 he worked with Charles Girard in the laboratory of Théophile-Jules Pelouze . In 1860 he synthesized aniline to fuchsine with Girard , but could not use it as a dye for patent reasons in France (the patents were held by François-Emmanuel Verguin , who sold them to the Renard brothers in Lyon). Instead, Pelouze had production in England, where from 1860 de Laire managed the introduction of production in a paint factory in Brentford near London . Soon after, he was back in Paris and developed with Girard Fuchsinblau (1860) and Fuchsinviolett (1861), which they sold to the Renard brothers in Lyon. Then he was with Girard in August Wilhelm von Hofmann's laboratory in London and from 1866 back in Lyon, where both developed the dye diphenylamine blue (1866). In 1872 he and Charles Girard founded their own dye factory in Ris-Orangis near Paris, which he sold again in 1876. He then founded a new company with Ferdinand Tiemann for the production of vanillin and other fragrances . In 1890 he retired.


  • with Tiemann: About iridin , the glucoside of the violet root ; Reports of the German Chemical Society, Volume 36, 1893, pp. 2011–2044


  • Laire, Georges de in: Winfried R. Pötsch (lead), Annelore Fischer, Wolfgang Müller: Lexicon of important chemists, Harri Deutsch 1989, p. 256

Individual evidence

  1. Chemist's Biographies