Georgi Danailov

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Georgi Danailov (2010)

Georgi Christow Danailow (Bulgarian Георги Христов Данаилов; born January 8, 1936 in Sofia , † March 8, 2017 in Sofia) was a Bulgarian writer and screenwriter .


Georgi Danailov came from a well-known family from Swishtov . He is the grandson of Prof. Georgi Todorow Danailow. (Note: according to old tradition, the grandchildren often get the first name of their grandfather.) He was born in Sofia in 1936. In 1950 his family was interned and he returned to Swishtow. He learned chemistry and taught. But since his student years he was interested in literature. He became very well known in Bulgaria with his first book.

From 1993 to 1995 he was the chairman of the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad .


(Note: The German book titles are only free translations, they did not appear in German.)

  • The children play outside (bulg. Деца играят вън )
  • With nobody ( Bulgar . При никого )
  • The murder of Mozart (bulg. Убийството на Моцарт )
  • To Chicago and back, a hundred years later (Bulgarian До Чикаго и назад, сто години по-късно )

He is the author of many films and scripts:

  • Surgeons ( Bulgar . Хирурзи )
  • Robbery in yellow (bulg. Похищение в жълто )
  • Where are you going? ( Bulgar . За къде пътувате? )
  • And where now? (bulg. А сега накъде? ) (together with Rangel Baltschanow)
  • The camp (Bulgarian Лагерът ) (together with Georgi Djulgerow)

For his last literary works he was also recognized internationally and received literary prizes:

  • The House Beyond the World (Bulgarian Къща отвъд света )
  • Memories of a city idiot (Bulgarian Спомени за градския идиот )
  • For Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Bulgarian За Жан Жак Русо ) (essay)
  • Pan's smile (Bulgarian Усмивката на Пан ) (essay)
  • As far as I remember (Bulgarian Доколкото си спомням ) (in three parts)
  • Happy book for the Bulgarian people (bulg. Весела книга за българския народ )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Почина Георги Данаилов. (Video, 0:35 minutes) Vesti , March 8, 2017, accessed March 9, 2017 (Bulgarian).