Certified professional pedagogue

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Certified vocational pedagogue is a legally regulated vocational and work pedagogical advancement training course , which concludes with an examination before a committee of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). The advanced training has existed since 2009 and has since replaced the qualification in vocational education and training (IHK) . The IHK examination is carried out twice a year nationwide.

job profile

Vocational educators are active in vocational education and training . Her tasks include the organization, introduction and implementation of training and further education as well as vocational training processes. They advise, assess and support the respective training participants, especially in the learning process and in transferring what they have learned into practice. Vocational educators also identify necessary and future-oriented qualifications and integrate these into the respective learning and work processes. They advise and support the introduction of new training and further education methods in the respective companies and institutions. You support and qualify full-time and part-time training personnel and guide them. You should independently implement target group-oriented training and further education concepts, taking into account the respective cost situation and economic efficiency, and introduce them into the respective structures.

A professional educator also develops marketing strategies for the respective training and further education. In doing so, they conduct market observations and analyzes. Aspects of education controlling and quality management in the respective training and further education systems are taken into account. In this context, professional educators work closely with all those involved in vocational training and further education, as well as with management and personnel management. You initiate and accompany necessary organizational change processes and develop the necessary support and consulting processes for this. Vocational educators can also act as external consultants for companies in the areas of education and training. In this function, you will also be involved in the organization and implementation of measures or they will carry them out independently. The tasks of professional educators therefore require not only very good and distinctive pedagogical skills, but also coordination skills as well as comprehensive advisory, leadership and social skills.

Certified professional educators find employment in the field of in-company training and further education, in education management , in management positions at educational institutions and in the areas of personnel development and consulting. The training is also a basis for self-employment as a trainer and consultant.

Classification of the examined professional pedagogue in the education system

The German Qualifications Framework (DQR) assigns the qualified professional educators to level 7 and evaluates the qualification as equivalent to the master's and university diploma in terms of its level of aspiration . The certified business economist and the certified technical business economist have a comparable level of competence . The conclusion is thus (qualification standard terms) over the foreman , business administrator , specialized merchant or the auditee training educators .

The DQR is only indicative and does not influence university admission regulations. As an example, the University of Oldenburg evaluates comparable IHK degrees in conjunction with their required degrees, such as a three-semester part-time bachelor's degree.

Training duration

Preparatory courses for the IHK advanced training examination can be completed full-time or part-time, they usually last between 12 and 24 months and end with an examination in front of a chamber of industry and commerce. There are various regional and supra-regional providers for the preparatory courses, but participation in a course is by no means mandatory for admission to the examination.

further education

The certified vocational pedagogue is currently the top level of the IHK advanced training system and further qualification at the IHK is therefore not currently available. The German qualifications framework expressly provides for the competence to "develop innovative solutions and procedures in a professional field" as an alternative to a doctorate and as equivalent to it, but the IHKs currently do not offer such a "certified innovative professional educator" in the advanced training system.

Analogous to the certified training and further education educators, the EQF classification is only indicative, it remains with the general university entrance qualification. This means that it is not possible to apply for a doctoral degree or a master’s degree, only an entry into an undergraduate degree. Universities credit the certified professional educators individually.

IHK examination admission requirements

For admission to the IHK exam, a further training qualification as a master craftsman, specialist in business administration or as a certified training and further education pedagogue and then a one-year job in the training and further education area is required. Alternatively, access is also possible with a completed university degree or a state-recognized technical college degree, for example as an educator and subsequent two years of professional experience. In addition, test participants with recognized vocational training are also admitted if they can provide evidence of five years of experience in training and further education.

Relevant professional practice is only recognized that is essentially associated with personnel development or professional pedagogy . Anyone who demonstrates that they have the necessary knowledge and experience by submitting certificates or in another way can also be admitted.

In addition, before the start of the examination, evidence of a successfully passed examination according to the trainer suitability ordinance (also called "AdA certificate") must be provided.

Exam content

Exam subject Recommended number of
Exam length
in minutes
Type of examination
00. Learning and working method: 10 - -
Part A: Core processes of vocational education: 450 450 -
01. Learning processes and learning support: 150 150 written
02. Planning processes: 150 150 written
03. Management processes: 150 150 written
Part B: Vocational educational activity in the areas of vocational training: 340 480 to 495 -
04. Vocational training: 100 150 written
05. Further training: 120 150 written
06. Personnel development and advice: 120 150 written
07. Oral exam, from areas 4–6: - 30 to 45 orally
Part C: Special vocational educational function: 25th 30 to 45 -
08. Project work: 25th - House work
09. project-related technical discussion: - 30 to 45 orally
Summary 825 - -

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Law Gazette 2009 Part I No. 56, p. 2927.
  2. Certified professional educator in Berufenet the Federal Employment Agency
  3. The structure of the IHK advancement training
  4. Credit points for IHK advanced training qualifications - Oldenburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry. February 2, 2013, accessed January 2, 2019 .
  5. DIHK: certified professional pedagogue ( IHK further education ). 1st edition. DIHK Publications Service, Meckenheim 2009