Gerður Helgadóttir

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Gerður Helgadóttir (born April 11, 1928 in Tröllanes im Norðfjörður ; † May 17, 1975 ) was an Icelandic artist.

The artist emerged as a sculptor , mosaic maker and glass painter . She learned her artistic technique from the well-known Icelandic sculptor Sigurjón Ólafsson . She was known for her geometric iron sculptures and three-dimensional abstract sculptures.

She studied at the Icelandic College of Arts and Handicraft and worked in Florence and Paris .

Famous works by the artist include the stained glass windows in Skálholt and the Kópavogskirkja or those of the Hallgrímskirkja by Saurbær on Hvalfjörður . Much of her work was collected in Gerðarsafn , an art gallery named after her that opened in Kópavogur in 1994 .

Various works by her can also be found in Germany. For example church windows in the

  • Evang. Reconciliation Church, Essen-Rüttenscheid
  • Church on the Billebrinkhöhe, Essen (1964–1965)

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See also