Gerd Runck

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Gerd Runck (born October 9, 1929 in Godramstein , today Landau; † July 25, 2012 in Landau in the Palatinate ) was a businessman and became known as a dialect poet in the Palatinate . He won several dozen prizes in dialect competitions , more than 30 in the dialect poetry competition in Bockenheim .


His work and his person are described as

skillful and meticulous,
stubborn and flexible,
quick-witted, witty and sensitive.


Books (selection)

  • E bissel mol peep. 1980
  • You and me - un mier two. 1982
  • E bit mol listen. 1983
  • Windfalls: with and without pin (s) l; rhyming inconsistencies. 1998


His publications are numerous in newspapers , magazines , calendars , homeland yearbooks and anthologies .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Susanne Faschon, Werner Hanfgarn, Hajo Knebel and Berthold Roland (eds.): Literature from Rhineland-Palatinate, Anthology III, Dialect . Mainz 1986, pp. 402-403
  2. ^ Obituary in the daily newspaper Die Rheinpfalz on July 28, 2012