Gerhard Garnier

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Gerhard Garnier (* around 1110; † 1171 at the latest) was Count of Sidon as Gerhard von Sidon .

He succeeded his father Eustach I. Garnier as Count of Sidon , his twin brother Walter I. Garnier inherited the rule of Caesarea .

The chronicler Wilhelm von Tire calls him Eustach II Garnier or Eustach the Younger for unknown reasons .

He married Agnes von Bures, daughter of Wilhelm I von Bures , Prince of Galilee , widow of Rainer Brus , Lord of Banias . With her he had two sons, Rainald (* 1133; † 1204) and Walter (* 1137) and a daughter who married Wilhelm, Lord of Nephin .

In 1139 he received the Beaufort Castle on the road from Tire to Damascus , which King Fulko had conquered.

In 1153, during the siege of Askalon , he took part in command of a fleet of 15 galleys that was supposed to block the city.

He is mentioned for the last time in 1165, his son and successor Rainald is mentioned for the first time in 1171 as the new lord of Sidon.

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predecessor Office successor
Eustach I. Garnier Count of Sidon
Rainald Garnier