Gerhard Leuschner

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Gerhard Leuschner (* 1936 ) is a German social worker , supervisor , trainer of supervisors and specialist book author .


Gerhard Leuschner completed a degree in social pedagogy with a diploma as a social worker, qualified as a trainer for group dynamics (DAGG), as a supervisor (DGSv), Balint group leader and as a teaching supervisor. He played an important role in the development of training for supervisors and their professional positioning in German-speaking countries. Gerhard Leuschner founded the Advanced Training Institute for Supervision (FIS) in Münster, one of the first training centers for supervision in Germany, which was also involved in the founding of the DGSv . The theoretical basics are based on applied psychoanalysis, applied group dynamics and applied organizational sociology. Today the institute is headed by Inge Zimmer-Leinfelder, Gerhard Wittenberger, Franz X. Leinfelder, Elisabeth Gast-Gittinger and is supported by the working group Gruppendynamik Münster eV (based today in Wiesbaden) (current board: Elisabeth Gast-Gittinger, Gerhard Wittenberger and Inge Zimmer-Leinfelder).

Works (selection)

  • Heinz J. Kersting (Hrsg.), Lothar Krapohl (Hrsg.), Gerhard Leuschner (Hrsg.), Diagnosis and Intervention in Supervision Processes (= Writings of the Institute for Advice and Supervision, Volume), Aachen 1988, ISBN 3-9801175-2 -9 .
  • Wolfgang Boettcher (Ed.), Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Teaching Supervision. Contributions to concept development (= Heinz J. Kersting (Ed.), Schriften zur Supervision, Volume 1), Aachen 1989, ISBN 3-9801175-3-7 .
  • Wolfgang Boettcher (Ed.), Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Teaching Supervision . Contributions to concept development (= Heinz J. Kersting (Ed.), Writings on Supervision, Volume 1), 2., durchges. and typographically verb. Ed., Aachen 1990, ISBN 3-9801175-9-6 .

Editor of the Forum Supervision series

  • Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Wolfgang Weigand (Ed.), Quality Assurance Through Supervision - Quality Of Supervision. 3rd German Supervision Day 1997 Celle (= Forum Supervision , special issue, number 2), Tübingen 1998, ISSN  0942-0045 .
  • Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Gerhard Wittenberger (Ed.), Unconscious in Institution (= Forum Supervision, Number 13, Volume 7), Tübingen 1999, ISSN  0942-0045 .
  • Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Gerhard Wittenberger (Ed.), Supervision in transition? (= Forum Supervision, number 14, volume 7), Tübingen 1999, ISSN  0942-0045 .
  • Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Gerhard Wittenberger (Ed.), Lothar Nellessen (Author), a. a., role identification in social service professions (= Forum Supervision, Issue 16, Volume 8), Frankfurt am Main 2000, ISSN  0942-0045 .
  • Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Gerhard Wittenberger (Ed.), Jürgen Hardt (Author), Inner and Outer Reality (= Forum Supervision; Issue 17, Volume 9), Frankfurt am Main 2001, ISSN  0942-0045 .
  • Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Gerhard Wittenberger (Ed.), Manfred Kappeler (Author) a. a., supervision and psychoanalysis. Gerhard Wittenberger on his 60th birthday (= Forum Supervision, issue 18, year 9), Frankfurt am Main 2001, ISSN  0942-0045 .
  • Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Gerhard Wittenberger (Ed.) Ruth Remmel-Faßbender (Author) a. a., Time as a factor in supervision (= Forum Supervision, Issue 19, Volume 10), Frankfurt am Main 2002, ISSN  0942-0045 .
  • Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Gerhard Wittenberger (Ed.), Jörg Gogoll (Author), u. a., supervision - a way to independence? (= Forum Supervision, Issue 20, Volume 10), Frankfurt am Main 2002, ISSN  0942-0045 .
  • Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Gerhard Wittenberger (Ed.), Angelica Lehmenkühler-Leuschner (Ed.), Aspects of dynamic psychology in groups and organizations. 10 years FoRuM Supervision , Frankfurt am Main 2003, (= Forum Supervision; issue 21, year 11)
  • Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), And Gerhard Wittenberger (Ed.), Allan Guggenbühl (Ed.), Supervision in intercultural perspective (= Forum Supervision, Issue 22, Volume 11), Frankfurt am Main 2003.
  • Gerhard Leuschner (Hrsg.), Gerhard Wittenberger (Hrsg.), Jürgen Kreft (Hrsg.), Schule und Supervision (= Forum Supervision, Issue 23, Volume 12), Frankfurt am Main 2004

Articles in collective works

  • Gerhard Leuschner, thoughts on the role of the teaching supervisor , in: Academy for Youth Issues Münster (ed.), Supervision in the field of tension between person and institution, Freiburg im Breisgau, Lambertus-Verlag, 1979, ISBN 3-7841-0184-4 (documentation of Congress Supervision 1979), pp. 50-65.
  • Gerhard Leuschner, questions about the social location of supervision , in: Heinz J. Kersting (Ed.), Lothar Krapohl (Ed.), Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Diagnosis and Intervention in Supervision Processes (= publications of the Institute for Counseling and Supervision, Volume), Aachen 1988, ISBN 3-9801175-2-9 , pp. 8-22.
  • Gerhard Leuschner, Aspects of a Concept for Teaching Supervision. In: Wolfgang Boettcher (Ed.), Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Lehrsupervision. Contributions to concept development (= Heinz J. Kersting (Ed.), Schriften zur Supervision, Volume 1), Aachen 1989, ISBN 3-9801175-3-7 , pp. 112-130.
  • Gerhard Leuschner, Johannes Schaaf, Applied group dynamics in team supervision and organizational consulting - a work report, in: Heinz J. Kersting (Ed.), Lothar Krapohl (Ed.), Gerhard Leuschner (Ed.), Diagnosis and Intervention in Supervision Processes (= publications des Institut für Beratung und Supervision, Volume), Aachen 1988, ISBN 3-9801175-2-9 , pp. 81-99.
  • Gerhard Leuschner, institutional competence and field experience for the somatic hospital , in: Maija Becker-Kontio (ed.), Agnes Kimmig-Pfeiffer (ed.), U. a., supervision and organizational advice in hospitals. Experiences - Analysis - Concepts (= publications of the German Society for Supervision eV), Weinheim, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-7799-1786-6

Literature on Gerhard Leuschner

  • Gerhard Wittenberger (ed.), Gerhard Leuschner on his 60th birthday (= Forum Supervision, special issue, number 1), Tübingen 1996.