Gerhild Ebel

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Gerhild Ebel (* 1965 in Halle , Saale ) is a German artist , author and editor .


Gerhild Ebel studied phytopathology at the Martin Luther University Halle (diploma 1990) and then worked as a research assistant in Halle.

Since the mid-1980s, alongside experimental literature, artistic works have been created on the border between language, image and science. She deals u. a. with communication in the information age, personality psychology, scientific and political topics (especially conceptual works, installations, artist books, paper cutting with a cutter, graphics, embossed prints, objects, experimental literature).

Gerhild Ebel has been working as an editor in the field of experimental art and literature since 1990 and has published numerous books of her own. Since the end of the 1980s, continuous publications in the underground magazine “ Entwerter / oder ” (Ed. Uwe Warnke ) as well as other magazines, editions and anthologies. She has received various grants and art awards since 1993 (including the Anhaltinischer Kunstpreis 2000, VOStomps Preis 2001, Award Marianne Brandt Recognition 2001, Award Winner AboT Wien Recognition 2011, Graphic of the Year / New German Graphic Community 2019).

The artist's works can be found in over 50 international public museums and collections. a. Museum of Modern Art New York, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Center Pompidou Paris, Victoria & Albert Museum London and have been exhibited in large numbers.

Gerhild Ebel is a member of the 13+ artist group. She lives freelance in Halle / Saale and Berlin.

Book publications (selection)

  • Die neue Versleere, Uwe Warnke Verlag, Berlin 1993
  • Tiger, Ebel / Zielke , Edition Mariannenpresse , Berlin 1996
  • Perun. On the color sound of language, Uwe Warnke Verlag, Berlin 1996
  • and so on and so on. Burgk Castle Museum, Burgk 1997
  • antonym, Uwe Warnke Verlag, Berlin 1997
  • things. Ebel / Zielke , Uwe Warnke Verlag, Berlin 1997
  • short story, Uwe Warnke Verlag, Berlin 1998
  • CUt, Uwe Warnke Verlag, Berlin 1999
  • novel, Uwe Warnke Verlag, Berlin 1999
  • crosswords, Uwe Warnke Verlag, Berlin 2000
  • seven people, Konstmuseum Ystad / Sweden, Ystad 2000
  • diary of sound, Ebel / zeitblom, Uwe Warnke Verlag, Berlin 2001
  • portraits, Uwe Warnke Verlag, Berlin 2001
  • A Tinnitus Molecule, Ebel / Pastior , Uwe Warnke Verlag, Berlin 2002
  • tick mite bug cockroaches, Ebel / Zielke , xlex_press, Berlin 2002
  • Yellow mockers / hawthorn, xlex_press, Berlin 2003
  • Reed flute stalactite cave, Uwe Warnke Verlag, Berlin 2003
  • to the nation, xlex_press, Berlin 2004
  • left & right, Ebel / Zielke , xlex_press, Berlin 2005
  • was fine, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2005
  • the labyrinth connection, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2006
  • three persons, xlex_press, Halle, Berlin 2006
  • Scandinavian travel, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2008
  • the game of george w., xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2008
  • technical languages. the bregenz contamination, Ebel / Stolterfoht , xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2009
  • home sweet home, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2010
  • shots, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2012
  • eye minus trap, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2012
  • fragment, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2013
  • THE WALL, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2014
  • is the same, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2015
  • purple falcon, Ebel / Groß, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2015
  • pirate 748, Ebel / Groß, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2016
  • Cesium 137, Ebel / Stolterfoht , xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2016
  • aleppo, xlex_press, hall. Berlin 2016
  • cash, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2016
  • borderlines, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2016
  • Katatura I - III, Ebel / Groß, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2016
  • sulamith, xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2017
  • cesium 137 II, Ebel / Stolterfoht , xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2017
  • release. final salvation, Ebel / Schlotmann , xlex_press, Halle. Berlin 2018
  • horizon, xlex_press, hall. Berlin 2018

Editing (selection)

  • miniature obscure. Journal for experimental literature and art 1991–2007 together with Cornelia Ahnert
  • quartet. Magazine for experimental literature and art , since 2008
  • art_lex. original graphic artist lexicon , since 2015


  • Gerhild Ebel, and so on and so forth , ed. Erik Stephan, Museum Schloss Burg, 1997
  • Gerhild Ebel, Das Künstlerbuch , Edition Hohes Ufer Ahrenshoop / Neues Kunsthaus Ahrenshoop, 2003
  • Gerhild Ebel, antonyme & transcripte , Art Collection Jena, 2013

Web links