Germà García i Boned

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Germà García i Boned (* 1932 in Tortosa ) is a Spanish writer, linguist, translator and historian.


García studied German at the Autonomous University of Barcelona . He received his PhD in Philology from the University of Palma , where he taught modern languages .

The Spanish , Mallorcan and German speaking García devoted several writings to the person and work of the German writer Albert Vigoleis Thelen and to the history of German exiles on the Spanish Mediterranean island of Mallorca . He lives in Palma .


  • La segunda cara de la isla de la segunda cara de Albert Vigoleis Thelen , 1998
  • Mallorca vista per viagers alemanys , 2003
  • Memòries d'en A. "Vigoleis" Thelen a Mallorca , 2010
  • Mallorca's forgotten history - How the island paradise became hell , 2011, together with Martin Breuninger


  • Axel Thorer, Mallorca - Lexicon of the secrets of the island , Hoffmann and Campe Hamburg, 2006, ISBN 978-3-455-50006-6 , page 109.

Individual evidence

  1. Mallorca's forgotten history - How the island paradise turned into hell , 2011, blurb
  2. Axel Thorer, Mallorca - Lexicon of the secrets of the island , Hoffmann and Campe Hamburg, 2006, ISBN 978-3-455-50006-6 , page 109