Germán Becker

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Germán Becker (born June 8, 1927 in Santiago de Chile , † July 26, 2017 ) was a Chilean director .

Becker began his career as an actor and later as a director at the Teatro de Ensayo of the Universidad Católica . He became known as the organizer of mass events for fans of the Universidad Católica football club, big shows before football matches that combined elements from the fields of music and theater, humorous skits, pyrotechnic effects and much more. He became confidante of Eduardo Frei Montalva and contributed to the success of Eduardo Frei Montalva in the 1964 presidential elections with the mass trainings of young people he organized to the state capital.

In 1967 he produced the series Ayúdeme usted, compadre on Chilean television , in which prominent singers, music groups and actors took part. In the following year he turned the show into a feature film, which was judged very controversially, but was a success with the cinema audience. He tried in vain to build on this success with two more films and then turned mainly to advertising, working closely with the government of Augusto Pinochet .

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Individual evidence

  1. Obituary
  2. Obituary