German Yearbook of Contemporary History

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German Yearbook of Contemporary History (GYCH)

description Trade journal
Area of ​​Expertise Contemporary history
language English
publishing company De Gruyter Oldenbourg (Germany)
First edition 2016
Frequency of publication yearly
Web link
ZDB 2866926-5

The German Yearbook of Contemporary History (GYCH) is published annually by the Institute for Contemporary History Munich-Berlin and contains articles translated into English from the last years of the quarterly journals for contemporary history as well as specially acquired, discursive-commentary contributions.

Each edition of the Yearbook is designed as a topic-related anthology, usually the responsibility of two editors, a member of the editorial team of the Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (VfZ) and a historian from the Anglo-American language area. The German Yearbook of Contemporary History aims to remove language barriers that limit the international reception of important German-language research results and to give impetus to the dialogue with English-language contemporary history research.

part 1

The first volume, entitled “Holocaust and Memory in Europe”, takes up a central theme of the history of the 20th and 21st centuries. It is edited by Thomas Schlemmer, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of VfZ, and Alan E. Steinweis , Professor of Holocaust Studies at the University of Vermont and co-editor of VfZ.

Volume 2

The second volume of GYCH deals with the relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and countries in the global south during the Cold War. The volume is edited by Agnes Bresselau von Bressensdorf and Elke Seefried (both Institute for Contemporary History Munich-Berlin) and Christian F. Ostermann (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington).

Volume 3

The third volume of GYCH brings together new and classic contributions from the VfZ on Adolf Hitler, which are commented on by Anglo-Saxon experts. It is edited by Elizabeth Harvey (University of Nottingham) and Johannes Hürter (Institute for Contemporary History Munich-Berlin).

Volume 4

The fourth volume of GYCH illuminates the role of the Federal Republic of Germany in the process of European integration; it is edited by Mark Gilbert (Johns Hopkins University Bologna), Eva Oberloskamp and Thomas Raithel (both Institute for Contemporary History Munich-Berlin).

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