Germania - Association of abstinent students

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The Germania - Bund abstinenter Schüler association was a school association with an influence on the early youth movement . The federal government was part of the life reform movement.


The Germania student association was founded in 1902 by students from Nuremberg and Haubinda . The student union was close to other associations of the abstinence movement . Together with the federal government abstinent girls and the military lodges of the Good Templar Order gave you in the new territory-Verlag published font German youth out. The "Abstinentenbund at German schools" was a co-founder of the Free German Youth and participants' union of the First Free German Youth Day on the Hoher Meissner in October 1913.

In the commemorative publication for the centenary on the Hoher Meissner, the ideal of the covenant is described as follows:

"To awaken ever higher powers for moral action is the task of this self-education work, the fulfillment of which arouses deepest feelings of happiness."


  • Winfried Mogge, Jürgen Reulecke : Hoher Meißner 1913 - The First Free German Youth Day in Documents, Interpretations and Pictures. Edition archive of the German youth movement. Vol. 5. Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, Cologne 1988. ISBN 3-8046-8723-7
  • Hermann Martin Popert: Helmut Harringa: A story from our time . Koehler, Dresden 1910