Gerold von Großwalsertal

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Church window in the parish church of Liesing designed by Martin Häusle

Gerold von Großwalsertal (* around 900 in Rhaetia ; † 978 in Frisun, today's St. Gerold in Großer Walsertal in Vorarlberg ), from a noble family, left his wife and children and became a hermit in Frisun. He donated his property to the Einsiedeln monastery in 970 . Gerold's bones were not brought back to Frisun until April 19, 1663 after Einsiedeln.

During excavations under the slab floor of the choir of the parish church of the Provost of Sankt Gerold , the box grave of St. Gerold found.

Remembrance day (Catholic): April 19th Attributes : Gerold von Großwalsertal is usually shown praying next to a hollow tree and with a donkey.

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