Geroldus (Mainz)

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Geroldus (* unknown; † 743 ) also Gerold was bishop of Mainz from 724 to 743 .


Nothing is known about the origin and family of Geroldus. Since his son Gewiliobus himself was older when he died in 743, according to the Bonifatiusvita in Mainz, this suggests that Geroldus was born in the late 7th century. He was one of the Franconian aristocrats from the area around the house manger Karl Martell . Some of these nobles, for example Milo von Trier , occupied high ecclesiastical offices on the instructions of Karl Martell, but without showing the corresponding spiritual aptitude for it. This should consolidate the house power of the king or the more powerful house keeper.

Term of office

During Geroldus' tenure, Mainz was besieged by the Burgundians and liberated by Karl Martell. At the beginning of his term of office, Geroldus came into conflict with Bonifatius when he apparently demanded the Hessian areas on the right bank of the Rhine for his diocese. In a letter to Boniface dated December 4, 724, Pope Gregory II reprimanded a bishop (with a high degree of probability Geroldus) who, out of laziness, had so far neglected to preach the word of God to the people who had recently been evangelized by Boniface.

Death and succession

On the orders of Karlmann , the son and successor of Karl Martell, Geroldus had to take part in a campaign against the Saxons in 743 . These had previously invaded Thuringia. During this campaign Geroldus was killed, possibly by an arrow shot by a Saxon.

His son Gewiliobus , whom he probably fathered with a concubine , succeeded Geroldus in 743. During another campaign in Saxony, Gewiliobus ensured that the father's death was atoned for. The Saxon, who is not known by name, paid for the deed with his life. According to Germanic understanding, this sequence was a commission from the son as an act of legitimate blood revenge . This was forbidden to clerics and so Gewiliobus was deposed at a synod in 745 and replaced by Boniface .


  • Hans Werner Nopper: The pre-Bonifatian bishops of Mainz. A critical examination of the sources on the beginnings of the diocese of Mainz and the reliability of the lists of bishops. Books on Demand GmbH 2002, ISBN 3-83112-429-9
  • Mainz: personalities of the city's history ; Wolfgang Balzer; Kügler Verlag, Ingelheim 1985-1993
    • Volume 1: Honorary citizens of Mainz, princes of Mainz, military figures, Mayors of Mainz ISBN 3-924124-01-9

References and comments

  1. ^ Vita quarta Bonifatii
  2. Nopper p. 120
  3. Nopper, p. 119
  4. possibly as early as 738, the dating of the Saxon campaign is still being discussed
predecessor Office successor
Rigibertus Bishop of Mainz