Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld

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Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld (* July 14, 1891 in Schwerin as Gertrud Rosenfeld ; † September 13, 1976 in Celle ) was a German piano teacher and pianist .


Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld 1972

Gertrud Rosenfeld received her piano pedagogical training from 1908 to 1911 at the Plock Conservatory in Braunschweig. At the same time she studied singing with the court opera singer Maria Ruczek, which gave impulses for her later work as a song accompanist. From 1911 to 1920 Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld worked as a teacher at the Plock Conservatory.

Through the mediation of the violinist Konrad Giemsa, with whom the artist repeatedly performed, I came into contact with Télémaque Lambrino in Leipzig in 1914 , who was one of the most sought-after pianists in Germany at the time and Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld's most important artistic companion. Since Lambrino did not hold a university post at this time, the lessons were given exclusively in the context of private lessons, which Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld financed with her income at the Plock Conservatory. Due to her high musicality, combined with pedagogical experience, Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld soon worked as Lambrino's assistant - an activity that was continued after completing her own studies in 1920.

On the occasion of her marriage to the factory owner Carl Wehl, Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld moved to Celle in 1920 , where she built up a large group of students and looked after them until the 1970s. With pedagogical skills and musical expertise, she succeeded in getting a large number of young people enthusiastic about music in general and piano playing in particular. The legacy of Télémaque Lambrino was conscientiously and vividly handed down. In this endeavor, technology was never conveyed as an end in itself, but always in the service of musical expression.

Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld's work as a concert pianist and song accompanist is legendary. In the city of Celle alone, there are more than 70 concerts between 1924 and 1957. In addition to pure piano evenings, the joint performances with musicians such as Rudolf Bockelmann , Georg Kulenkampff , Edgar Wollgandt , Julius Klengel , members of the Stross Quartet , Günther Weißenborn and Rudolf Metzmacher caused a sensation. Concert tours also took the artist to Rome and Mallorca.

In addition to her work as a piano teacher and concert pianist, Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld offered musicology courses for aspiring music teachers and interested laypeople for many years. This activity was also under the motto, which Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld repeatedly expressed in conversation and which determined her entire life "Every note that I can pass on weighs like a golden apple for me."


  • Ernst Meyer-Hermann: A life for music. Cellesche Zeitung of September 5, 1966, page 4
  • Erich Müller: German Musicians Lexicon. Wilhelm Limpert-Verlag, Dresden 1929, column 1532.
  • Harald Müller: Biographical-bibliographical lexicon Celler musicians. In: Celler contributions to national and cultural history. Volume 31, Ströher Druckerei und Verlag, Celle 2003, pp. 283 ff. (The most detailed presentation at present [2011])
  • Harald Müller: A great concert pianist - and an honored teacher. Cellesche Zeitung of July 13, 1991, page 26
  • Ernst Pentecost: wife, mother and artist. Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld on her 30th anniversary. Cellesche Zeitung of June 22, 1950
  • Berndt W. Weßling (Ed.): Gertrud Wehl-Rosenfeld on her 75th birthday. Schweiger and Pick, Celle 1966.

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