Protected landscape component of the quarry at Steinschab

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Eastern area of ​​the LB Steinbruch am Steinschab on the B 236, which is used as a climbing wall

The protected landscape component of the Steinbruch am Steinschab with an area of ​​7.32  hectares is located northwest of Hallenberg in the Hochsauerlandkreis . The area was in the preparation of the 2004 landscape plan Hallenberg by the council of Hochsauerlandkreises as a protected landscape component reported (LB). The LB is surrounded by the nature reserve Hallenberger Waldlandschaft . The LB is on the southern slope of the Steinschab Mountain and partly directly north of the federal highway 236 . In the middle of the LB is a quarry area that does not belong to the LB and is used as a storage space. Northwest of the LB is the nature reserve block hallway at Steinschab .

Area description

The landscape plan lists the LB quarry on Steinschab: “In addition to the open rubble soil with little vegetation and the rock walls of the quarries, there are therophyte meadows, species-rich shrubbery, tree populations and hillside forests that are dominated by hardwoods. The rocky embankments that slope towards the B 236 are overgrown with numerous thorn bushes - especially roses. The skeletal, rocky soils of the south-facing area are a rare special location in nature for warmth-loving plants and animals. " An area on the eastern edge of the LB has been prepared as a climbing area by the German Alpine Club .

Prohibitions and Commandments

As with all protected landscape elements, according to Section 29 (2) BNatschG there is a ban on damaging, tearing up, digging up or separating parts of it or otherwise impairing its growth or appearance. Proper care is exempt from the ban. It is also forbidden to attach, store, deposit, discharge or otherwise dispose of substances or objects in the area of ​​the protected landscape element that could endanger or impair the appearance or the existence of the protected landscape element. This also applies to organic or mineral fertilizers and animal feed. If trees are destroyed or damaged, the Lower Nature Conservation Authority can set a replacement planting or a replacement money.

Two commandments were set for the LB:

  • "The waste (ammunition boxes, etc.) from the upper, northern level must be removed (Section 26 LG)."
  • "The shooting in the quarry, especially on the upper, northern level, is to be stopped and relocated (§ 26 LG)."


Web links

Commons : Protected landscape component Steinbruch am Steinschab  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Hochsauerlandkreis - Lower Landscape Authority (ed.): Landscape plan Hallenberg , Meschede 2004, p. 127, on

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