Yesterday at the Müller's

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Television series
Original title Yesterday at the Müller's
Yesterday at Mueller's Logo.jpg
Country of production Germany
original language German
year 1983
length 45 minutes
Episodes 6 ( list )
genre Family series
Director C. Rainer Corner
script Joachim Roering
First broadcast September 24, 1983 on ZDF

Yesterday at Müllers is a six-part TV series by ZDF that was produced and broadcast in 1983. The respective episodes were only recorded on the day of the broadcast and depicted snapshots from the life of a family.


The father of the family Werner Müller, who works in another city during the week, comes, as always, on Friday evening over the weekend to Ms. Gerda and daughter Sabine's home. Grandma also came on a longer visit. They talk about their lives, the past week and current events of the day. Finally, they watch the evening news together.


Since the respective episodes were only recorded on the day of the broadcast, current events could be included in the plot. Mostly the sequence of the evening Friday was described. At the end of each episode, the family gathered in front of the television to watch the evening news.


episode Charisma
1 September 24, 1983
2 October 1, 1983
3 October 8, 1983
4th October 15, 1983
5 October 22, 1983
6th October 29, 1983

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Reufsteck, Stefan Niggemeier: Das Fernsehlexikon. All over 7000 programs from Ally McBeal to the ZDF hit parade . Goldmann, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-442-30124-6 .