Health care (accident insurance)

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The health care ( GVS for short ) is a community facility of the statutory accident insurance in Germany that has existed since 2007 . The task of the GVS is to organize preventive medical examinations for people who have been or are currently exposed to asbestos , ceramic fiber or quartz dust during their professional activity . The GVS thus fulfills the same function for these carcinogenic dusts as ODIN does for the other carcinogenic substances. The GVS is the successor organization to ZAs (Central Registration Office for Employees at Risk of Asbestos Dust) and is managed by the Employers' Liability Insurance Association for Energy, Textile, Electro Media Products (BG ETEM) as an order facility in Augsburg .


On the basis of SGB ​​VII, taking into account the statutory data protection regulations, GVS records the necessary information from people who have been exposed to carcinogenic dust during their professional activity , notes the dates for preventive occupational health care (follow-up examinations and follow-up examinations) and monitors compliance. The preventive examinations are an offer to the insured to receive occupational medical care with their consent. Because of the long latency period (period between the first professional handling of asbestos fine dust and the first medical diagnosis of a disease finding) in asbestos-related diseases - often up to 30 years - occupational medical check-ups should be carried out as early and as long as possible.


Those affected are reported to the GVS by their employing company and, if necessary, cared for up to the age of 75. In addition, there is the possibility that those affected who have not yet been recorded are reported to the GVS by their family doctor or a pulmonologist .

GVS database

On December 31, 2011, a total of 561,277 people were registered with the GVS. Of these, 80,000 people were regularly reserved for follow-up examinations and around 250,000 for follow-up occupational medical check- ups.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. § 204 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 SGB VII